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Tag: deanreilly

'There is Gold Out There' 40.5 x 51cm unframed, 43.5 x 54cm framed acrylic on canvas with wood box frame by DEAN REILLY  “The great gold rush has never really ended it has just become corporatized, legalised, monopolised, justified and naturalised. Fly into the heart of Australia and you will see men in uniform moving about in airports, to go and dig up the earth to provide security and pleasure for their families.” – Dean Reilly

‘There is Gold Out There’ 40.5 x 51cm unframed, 43.5 x 54cm framed acrylic on canvas with wood box frame by DEAN REILLY 

“The great gold rush has never really ended it has just become corporatized, legalised, monopolised, justified and naturalised. Fly into the heart of Australia and you will see men in uniform moving about in airports, to go and dig up the earth to provide security and pleasure for their families.” – Dean Reilly

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'Seems Like a Good Idea at the Time' by DEAN REILLY  "Much of our early colonial history is riddled with absurdity. Explorers doomed for failure through bad planning miscommunication and a disconnect and discomfort with the landscape. Like a fish out of water or a naked white man on a chartreuse camel, the new can sometimes appear bizarre." – Dean Reilly 'Seems Like a Good Idea at the Time' 40.5 x 51cm, 43.5 x 54cm framed acrylic on canvas $ 1,400.00

‘Seems Like a Good Idea at the Time’ by DEAN REILLY 

“Much of our early colonial history is riddled with absurdity. Explorers doomed for failure through bad planning miscommunication and a disconnect and discomfort with the landscape. Like a fish out of water or a naked white man on a chartreuse camel, the new can sometimes appear bizarre.” – Dean Reilly

‘Seems Like a Good Idea at the Time’
40.5 x 51cm, 43.5 x 54cm framed
acrylic on canvas
$ 1,400.00

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"The great gold rush has never really ended it has just become corporatized, legalised, monopolised, justified and naturalised. Fly into the heart of Australia and you will see men in uniform moving about in airports, to go and dig up the earth to provide security and pleasure for their families." – DEAN REILLY  Gold 1, 2 and 3 on display and available now

“The great gold rush has never really ended it has just become corporatized, legalised, monopolised, justified and naturalised. Fly into the heart of Australia and you will see men in uniform moving about in airports, to go and dig up the earth to provide security and pleasure for their families.” – DEAN REILLY 

Gold 1, 2 and 3 on display and available now

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"In Australia, space and place stage stories torn between absurdity and beauty, the knowable and unknowable, and the sublime" – DEAN REILLY  'There is so Much to See Here Study' 20 x 25cm, 23 x 28cm framed acrylic on canvas on board $ 350.00 with free packing and shipping Australia wide. 

“In Australia, space and place stage stories torn between absurdity and beauty, the knowable and unknowable, and the sublime” – DEAN REILLY 

‘There is so Much to See Here Study’ 20 x 25cm, 23 x 28cm framed acrylic on canvas on board $ 350.00 with free packing and shipping Australia wide. 

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"I have come to learn that the landscape is represented by my internalised feelings drawn from experience and memories within the landscape and my landscape is littered with heroes, villains, myths and legends grounded in story." – DEAN REILLY  Solo Exhibition on now until 30 September  You can browse and buy works online via our website and view the exhibition page and catalogue. Or please feel free to contact the gallery team with any questions or enquiries. 

“I have come to learn that the landscape is represented by my internalised feelings drawn from experience and memories within the landscape and my landscape is littered with heroes, villains, myths and legends grounded in story.” – DEAN REILLY 

Solo Exhibition on now until 30 September 

You can browse and buy works online via our website and view the exhibition page and catalogue. Or please feel free to contact the gallery team with any questions or enquiries. 

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"Black swan theory suggests that the black swan is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a complete surprise. One can only wonder how early Northern hemisphere explorers would have perceived and reacted to seeing the first black swans." – DEAN REILLY  'Odette Study' 20 x 25cm, 23 x 28cm framed acrylic on canvas on board $ 350.00 Free packing and shipping Australia wide 

“Black swan theory suggests that the black swan is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a complete surprise. One can only wonder how early Northern hemisphere explorers would have perceived and reacted to seeing the first black swans.” – DEAN REILLY 

‘Odette Study’ 20 x 25cm, 23 x 28cm framed acrylic on canvas on board $ 350.00
Free packing and shipping Australia wide 

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DEAN REILLY'S 'Past Present Future' 51 x 40.5cm, 54 x 43.5cm framedacrylic on canvas $ 1,400.00 ​ ​"The past, present, and future is governed and informed by our feelings towards the landscape you are in. Whether you see it as majestic natural wilderness, a wild mongrel scrub to be developed or sacred country, is up to you. However, mostly it is inherited through the stories we hear and the experiences we have that form our views of the landscape and ultimately the world." – Dean  ​ ​​​​

DEAN REILLY’S ‘Past Present Future’ 51 x 40.5cm, 54 x 43.5cm framedacrylic on canvas $ 1,400.00

​”The past, present, and future is governed and informed by our feelings towards the landscape you are in. Whether you see it as majestic natural wilderness, a wild mongrel scrub to be developed or sacred country, is up to you. However, mostly it is inherited through the stories we hear and the experiences we have that form our views of the landscape and ultimately the world.” – Dean 


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DEAN REILLY'S Solo Exhibition 'The Landscape is Beyond Me' is on now until September 30th.  ​ ​"In Australia, space and place stage stories torn between absurdity and beauty, the knowable and unknowable, and the sublime. My experience towards landscape comes from my internal feelings and experiences of country through observation, study, and from the dreams I had as a little boy growing up on the land. Landscape can be viewed as a majestic natural garden, a wild mongrel scrub or sacred country, for me however, landscape represents a strange combination, torn between the heroic and the absurd. I think it is the absolute hopelessness of the situation that we can find joy, connection and hope in the landscape that is beyond me." – DEAN REILLY  ​ ​​​​ #birdpainting 

DEAN REILLY’S Solo Exhibition ‘The Landscape is Beyond Me’ is on now until September 30th. 

​”In Australia, space and place stage stories torn between absurdity and beauty, the knowable and unknowable, and the sublime. My experience towards landscape comes from my internal feelings and experiences of country through observation, study, and from the dreams I had as a little boy growing up on the land. Landscape can be viewed as a majestic natural garden, a wild mongrel scrub or sacred country, for me however, landscape represents a strange combination, torn between the heroic and the absurd. I think it is the absolute hopelessness of the situation that we can find joy, connection and hope in the landscape that is beyond me.” – DEAN REILLY 

​​​​ #birdpainting 

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"The myth becomes clear as the truth becomes clouded. The story becomes legend and begins to inform us in how we feel about our history and how we feel about ourselves as people. What we choose to believe becomes the way in which we view the world and form morality. Inspired by Nolan’s Ned Kelly series. The Bushranger is caught in a fused representation of a centaur. Here the figure is caught between the human and the animal, metaphoric for the wild and tame." – DEAN REILLY  ​ ​Solo Exhibition ON NOW with free packing and shipping on all works Australia wide ​'Myth' 122 x 91cm, 125 x 94cm framedacrylic on canvas $3,500.00  ​ ​​​​​​​

“The myth becomes clear as the truth becomes clouded. The story becomes legend and begins to inform us in how we feel about our history and how we feel about ourselves as people. What we choose to believe becomes the way in which we view the world and form morality. Inspired by Nolan’s Ned Kelly series. The Bushranger is caught in a fused representation of a centaur. Here the figure is caught between the human and the animal, metaphoric for the wild and tame.” – DEAN REILLY 

​Solo Exhibition ON NOW with free packing and shipping on all works Australia wide
​’Myth’ 122 x 91cm, 125 x 94cm framedacrylic on canvas $3,500.00 


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