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Exhibition Type: Solo Artist Exhibition

Danielle McManus

A collection of work celebrating love and romance.

“Sometimes we take so much for granted, busy with our everyday lives. We need to express our love and gratitude for those we hold close because life is unpredictable and precious. There is so much harshness in the real world, why not share more warmth and generosity of spirit?

These works are dedicated to my Mum. She was always encouraging, loved unconditionally and had no problem showing it!” – Danielle McManus

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The Least Possible Resistance

“I attempt to capture energy through the application process, building up via a forward motion of layering. Working flat provides the platform of the least possible resistance.
A love of excessive texture and mixing opposing media often anchors my work, the resulting layers may render the subject as if in the third dimension. Additionally, I aim to develop a sense of playfulness laced with positive tension. This is achieved by juxtaposing extreme contrasts in colour, texture and laying flat areas against those that are built at an extreme level”.
– Rebecca Pierce

Definition : The path of least resistance is the physical or metaphorical pathway that provides the least resistance to forward motion by a given object or entity.

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Finding Freedom

Katherine creates tension through contrasting elements. Often breaking the calm, the dramatic is harnessed through the energy of turbulent, powerful skies that appear to at any point have the potential to explode and drench the land or sea below. The extent of nature’s hand is always at the fore encompassing everything. Humanity is often depicted as a tiny line or stroke of the brush, resembling a diminutive figure, not swallowed up but provided with the knowledge of its fragility against such power and force.
“Giving over to the flow of painting has allowed me to experience that there is an energy that works through me to create the paintings I do. They are meditative objects that reflect simply being.
In the bigger scheme of life, we are just a blip in existence. There is something bigger than ourselves that we cannot control. We are merely partaking in the ebb and flow of an ocean and to swim against it is futile. The sooner we give ourselves over to the idea that to let go and be in the unfolding the easier everything will become. This body of work “Finding Freedom” reflects on ideas of just simply being. Finding a calm freedom from the hostile world we live in.” – Katherine Wood

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Rebecca Pierce’s solo exhibition COLOURPLAY invites you to explore a world of organic forms imbued with saturated colours and contrasting textures. Pierce’s canvases burst with unrestrained colour and extreme volumes of impasto medium, creating a textural effect that plays with light and shadow, whilst weaving mesmerizing and unexpected narratives. The result the viewer captivated, and questioning may respond on both a visual and tactile level.
COLOURPLAY fuses Pierce’s impasto and ‘commentary’ works alongside her other disciplines of photography and sculpture.

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Field Of Flowers

Welcome to a vibrant world where metals create magic, an Eden where colours pop and spirits soar.
Flowers can symbolise joy and pleasure, optimism, harmony and balance. This has a long history. Flowers have played roles in rituals, prayers, births, deaths, matrimony and medicine. The Greeks and Romans associated flowers with their gods and goddesses. In the Middle Ages, floral arrangements conveyed emotions and messages, and often served to cover nasty odours ! While flowers are delicate, they also show strength and resilience, capable of blooming and even thriving in the harshest conditions. The use of steel and bronze materials underscores this endurance. Enjoy the show and feel the love pouring out of each bloom !

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An Epic Revisited

For his Solo Exhibition with traffic jam galleries, artist Murat Urlali invites you to embark on a captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Ottoman artistry and Persian poetic mastery. This collection is a testament to Murat’s talent for seamlessly blending history, culture, and the art of reinterpretation.

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traffic jam galleries is proud to present ‘Float’, a solo exhibition of new works by Represented artist Joie Villeneuve. With over three decades of professional artistry under her belt, Villeneuve’s work is a testament to her mastery of mixed-media techniques, resulting in heavily textured, emotionally charged creations that beckon viewers to ride the poetic wave of her imagination.

In her latest collection, aptly titled ‘float,’ Villeneuve takes us on a captivating journey inspired by the ebb and flow of life’s currents. Drawing from the natural rhythms of the sea, her art transcends geographical boundaries, floating seamlessly from the sun-drenched shores of WA Perth to the bustling eastern seaboard of Sydney. Within this artistic voyage, hidden messages emerge, each one a treasure waiting to be discovered.

Villeneuve’s artwork invites you to decipher these secret messages, which may manifest as enigmatic motifs or fragments of collaged notes and songs. Her compositions become a conduit for the whispers of the hidden stories that dance within her canvases. 

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traffic jam galleries is proud to present ‘Bloom’ a solo exhibition of new works by Represented artist Danielle McManus. In this exceptional showcase, McManus takes you on a visual journey through the enchanting landscapes of Australia, where her young female subjects become the focal point, beautifully intertwined with the native flora and fauna of the land.

McManus’s masterful brushwork and keen eye for detail bring to life the delicate balance between the young women and their natural surroundings, creating a harmonious and evocative narrative that invites viewers to explore the intersection of humanity and the environment. Her work not only captures the raw beauty of the Australian landscape but also reflects the resilience and spirit of its native inhabitants.

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Visions Of The Dark Night

“Night has fallen and all is still. Here in the silence; reality, dreams and memory weave into a haunting spectacle of sensations. And all at once, feelings of joy, fear and melancholy descend. I follow my senses and step into the water (I’ve always been drawn to the water, perhaps an innate connection to my Maldivian heritage). The ocean, with all its grandeur and mystery, brings with it escape, wonder, terror and excitement.
For my new exhibition, VISIONS OF THE DARK NIGHT, I have continued my exploration of these moments of divinity, when time and distance fade away. Moments when I have felt like an explorer in a distant world, submerged in an alien landscape.”

– J Valenzuela Didi

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Harbour Life

“Spending a weekend catching ferries from Circular Quay and exploring various destinations, watching the huge passenger ships and tugs, photographing recreational vessels making waves as they motor past, is an absolute delight” – Megan Barrass.

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In the creation of ‘Ambedo’, Simone Read’s latest body of work, the identifiable hallmarks are embodied with a notable evolution of her practice. This is evident in the incorporation of new medium, detailing and intensifying the saturation of colour. ‘Ambedo,’ is a melancholic trance in which a person becomes completely absorbed in vivid sensory details.

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Bye-Bye, Miss American Pie

Kathryn’s Pop Realism paintings draw on the pulsating energy of Las Vegas, freeze frames of iconic Hollywood cinema, recognisable signage and advertisements and celebrity, all delivered within the realm of ‘Pop’

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Danielle McManus


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