Simone Read
Artworks for Sale
Based in North West Sydney, Simone Read is an artist and Visual Arts teacher. Simone works with media including watercolour, inks, gouache and salts.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Visual Arts (Illustration and design) from the University of Western Sydney in 1996, Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of New England (2007) and has been a high school Visual Arts teacher and studio artist from 2008.
Artist Statement
Simone explores the aerial view of ocean pools and coastal regions around New South Wales and Australia. Flipping to a ‘birds eye view’ creates a sense of calm and peace as she addresses the rhythm and movement of the ocean and the stillness of the pools. A quiet calm is what Simone invites an audience to connect with.
The distinct colours used become a meaningful treatment to the way Simone highlights the beauty of our ever- changing environment. Through the building up of repetitive tiny details and a colour palette that melds rather than jars Simone attempts to capture and harness some of the extreme energy, movement and ferocity of the elements that form the unique Australian coast.